Sunday, August 23, 2009

We Made It!

After months of anticipation and preparation (in the form of buying supplies and packing and saying goodbyes), we have finally made it to the Philippines!!

On Thursday, August 20 we flew from Chicago to San Francisco for staging. The Facebook group that Kris started came in handy because Jessie and I (mostly me because I am a Facebook stalker) were able to identify fellow trainees who were also flying through Chicago. It was amusing to me...hopefully not creepy to everyone else.

We arrived in San Fran after a 4 hour flight and had staging. Really, not much exciting to report about that. It gave us a chance to meet the other trainees (note, we are not volunteers until after our 3 months of training).

On the 21st (which feels like is yesterday in our time-traveling minds), we flew from San Francisco to Tokyo. It was about an 11.5 hour flight, but it wasn't bad at all. The plane felt pretty roomy. There were lots of movies on demand and a trivia game that was designed for people much smarter than me. Jessie slept almost the entire flight, but doesn't actually remember sleeping.

We spent 2 hours at the airport in Tokyo. It was pretty entertaining. The women's toilets (I'm told) have a fake flushing sound so that you can be discreet in your bathroom-ing. Both the men's and women's toilets have built in robot bidet's that they call "showers." I didn't not try them, but apparently they were very powerful. I also took a couple pictures of the McDonald's menu, which had a couple random burgers. I will try to post them later...

We then flew for 4.5 hours to Manila. It was a good flight because I was out cold the entire time.

We arrived in the Philippines at about 11:30, or so, at night on the 21st because of the time change. We basically lost all of August 21 to flying and time changes.

Comments on arriving in the Philippines? None yet. I am still processing.

It is really hot and sweaty. I don't mind it so far, but we are still in excited mode.

Alright, I am losing the ability to form coherent thought...

Peace Out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hiiiiiiiiiiii!!! So glad to hear you guys made it safely and aren't feeling wrecked from the malaria meds! I wouldn't stress about what we care to hear about - just write about whatever seems interesting each time you can log in. Can you post any pics yet?? Interested to hear about the mall too... How's the weather? When do you move in with your host fam?? Take care - looking forward to keeping up with your adventures. By the way, what's Jessie's blog's address? Post it on here? Take care & have fun!