Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Peace Corps Application - Part 9

I got dentally cleared yesterday. Woohoo!

Medical and legal are next.

I don't have any health problems, but the Peace Corps Yahoo group is filled with horror stories about getting medically cleared. It was also filled with horror stories about the initial application process, and that turned out to be pretty easy. Hopefully they are wrong about this too.

As for legal, well, student loan payment needs to be addressed. That is really the biggest hurdle. It's really just a matter of getting them the right documentation showing that we will still be paying my student loans while we are gone.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Peace Corps Application - Part 8

I mailed in my medical packet yesterday (10/23/08). I sent it overnight mail because Jessie already has a two week head start on me. As a result, she is already dentally cleared. Medical clearance can take some time, though. They have updated her "toolkit" to acknowledge receipt of the medical documents, but that is all for now. I feel like we were both pretty thorough with our forms, so hopefully we will not hit any snags.

Nothing else exciting for now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Peace Corps Application - Part 7

Ugh, I have been a miserable blogger (with the exception of Twitter). I apologize to any who come to this site hoping to find more information. Also, if you left a message on my blog, I didn't have it set to notify of comments, so I only just saw it. Sorry.

Here's the latest:

Jessie and I received our medical kit from the Peace Corps at the end of August (within a week or two of getting nominated). The packet was comprised of an intro letter and a bunch of forms that needed to be filled out by a doctor and a dentist. Jessie and a few extra forms for her asthma. I had an extra couple questions about my seasonal allergies that I have.

Jessie made her appointment right away for both. I dilly-dallied for a couple weeks before making mine. My doctor's appointment was on September 25. I was a bit nervous about the whole thing because I haven't been to a doctor in years. It wasn't nearly as awkward as I thought it would be, though. I brought my forms with me, explained the situation to the doctor, and you checked me based on what the forms asked for. No big deal. As far as I can tell, nothing major wrong with me.

What was really miserable, though, was getting a tetanus shot. Do you remember getting a tetanus shot as a kid? Holy crap. My arm was sore for almost a whole week. At its worst, I couldn't raise it above my head. On top of that, I got a flu shot (not required). I was sick the whole weekend after my appointment. I have been told that the flu shot is not supposed to make you sick, but between that and the tetanus shot, something messed me up pretty good.

So, where am I in the process now? I still have to go pick up my forms from the doctor's office. I still need to get my polio booster (they don't do it at the office). I also just found the "Report of Physical Abilities" form that I forgot to get signed (so dumb). Finally, I need to go to the dentist next week to make sure my mouth isn't falling apart. Fortunately, I went to the dentist not too long ago and didn't have any major issues. Hopefully nothing has changed since then.

Coming in the near future...budget crisis and my fears of getting screwed out of an invitation...