Monday, July 28, 2008

Peace Corps Applicatin - Part 5

On Friday, July 25, Jessie and I both received phone calls from our recruiter. Apparently the D.C. office called and said that they found a match for us, but it was leaving 2 weeks earlier than our earliest departure preference. The program was May 15, but we don't want to leave before June 1. It is very cool that we haven't been rejected and obviously they want us, but unfortunately, we don't have much flexibility with our departure.

Jessie is a teacher, and her school year doesn't wrap up until June. While 2 weeks doesn't seem like a lot of a time difference, her position doesn't make it easy to leave early. If the Instructional Leader (department head) cuts out at the end of the school year when everyone is trying to wrap up, that might do a little bridge burning.

On top of that, May 15 is probably going to be finals week for me with my Chemistry II class that I plan on taking. So, with the two of us leaving our jobs, packing, and saying our goodbyes, I think that worrying about a final exam (and having just taken the MCAT) is quite a bit to have on our shoulders.

We can't really feel bad, though. This is exactly why they ask for us to give them an earliest departure preference. I just hope that something else comes up and we aren't waiting another 3 months to find out about placement.

Feel Alive!

The magically appeared in my work vending machine. Blair's Death Rain potato chips. Actually pretty good. But still, Feel Alive?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Pure Musical Joy

Making music can sometimes be a frustrating and technical process. It shouldn't be, though sometimes that is necessary. This goofy little device that I got a couple days ago brings back the child-like joy of discovering music.

Another bonus: You totally don't have to know anything about music to have fun with this thing. Look up Kaossilator on Google and watch some video of it in action. Fun stuff.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Mortgage Crisis

Alright, so I am economically retarded. I don't understand markets or futures or whatever. This can be particularly frustrating when debating my friends who turn everything into an economic argument (I'm talking to you Mr. Reilly and Wong).

So, as a non-homeowner who really doesn't do any sort of investing, I haven't fully understood the subprime crisis. On a superficial level, I can nod my head in understanding, but every time I hear about the behind-the-scenes action, I am completely baffled. Trying to understand it through my favorite site in the whole wide world, Wikipedia, helps somewhat, but there seems to be a fundamental ridiculousness to these situations. There was also an episode of This American Life that dealt with the issue. Click here for the transcript.

The Onion, of all places, hits it exactly on the head, in my economically challenged opinion.

Any of you smarty-pants economics guys care to tell me that it is way more complicated than that?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Peace Corps Application - Part 4

Today (July 9), Jessie and I had our interview.  I showed up first at about 12:30.  My interview was about an hour long.  All of the questions that I was asked were listed in the Peace Corps Yahoo group.  I felt prepared.  It seemed that so many of my experiences were drawn from my time at the PD's office.  Our recruiter, Julia, was very impressed that we completed our applications and got all of our documentation in.  She actually mentioned it a couple times.  I asked her if this wasn't common and she told me that I would be surprised.  Hearing that makes me wonder, is the Peace Corps application process that bad or does it seem bad because all of the applicants who write about it are morons who didn't do what they were supposed to do when they were supposed to?

When Jessie showed up at about 1:30, we both got our fingerprints taken.  After that, we did the couples interview which was much shorter than I expected.  Mostly questions about what sort of lifestyle changes will affect us.  When that was done, Jessie did her individual interview.

Before I left, the recruiter told us the next step in the process.  Basically, in the next week or so, she is going to send our files to the D.C. office.  That office will then see if they can match up our skills with any programs.  If they can, they will send the information back to the Chicago office and we will likely get a nomination.  If they don't have any matches this cycle, it will be another 3 months before they attempt couples matches again.  Our recruiter actually seemed quite confident about the process which makes me think that we are not getting "rejected" in any way.  The only question is if we get a nomination sooner rather than later.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Peace Corps Application - Part 3

Scheduled an interview for Wednesday, July 9. Very excited. A bit nervous too.