Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Mortgage Crisis

Alright, so I am economically retarded. I don't understand markets or futures or whatever. This can be particularly frustrating when debating my friends who turn everything into an economic argument (I'm talking to you Mr. Reilly and Wong).

So, as a non-homeowner who really doesn't do any sort of investing, I haven't fully understood the subprime crisis. On a superficial level, I can nod my head in understanding, but every time I hear about the behind-the-scenes action, I am completely baffled. Trying to understand it through my favorite site in the whole wide world, Wikipedia, helps somewhat, but there seems to be a fundamental ridiculousness to these situations. There was also an episode of This American Life that dealt with the issue. Click here for the transcript.

The Onion, of all places, hits it exactly on the head, in my economically challenged opinion.

Any of you smarty-pants economics guys care to tell me that it is way more complicated than that?

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