Monday, August 24, 2009

How Do I Post?

Since arriving, it has been difficult for me to determine what I should post and what I shouldn't post about this experience. I am not talking about what is "appropriate" to post in a blog about the Peace Corps. We discussed blogs and Peace Corps policy during staging and it seemed pretty obvious: don't be an insensitive asshole and save your frustrations for personal conversation. Maybe that isn't obvious for some people in the Internet Age, but either way, that isn't what I am talking about. My problem is: what do people want to hear about? Of course, you could be sarcastic and say, "we don't care what you have to say, Scott." I am sure that is true for a lot of you, but hey, you don't have to read this blog, so that problem is easily solved. My problem is, with all the information and experience that I am taking in right now, how do I pick out the things to write about?

I don't know.

Should I write about really unique experiences that make for funny/interesting stories? Should I share random details of the process for people who are interested in the Peace Corps? Should I just wait until I am inspired to write? I really don't know.

So, after all that, I will share a little story.

Last night I took my first malaria pill. The medicine we are on is supposed to be taken once a week. We take them Mondays because it is easy to remember "Malaria Mondays." The possible side effects include gastrointestinal distress, vomiting, diarrhea, vivid dreams, and psychosis!! How horrifying is that? You won't get malaria, but you could go insane!!

Fortunately, I took mine before bed last night and woke up feeling ok. I also preemptively took immodium for my stomach, so maybe that helped. We are supposed to go to the Mall of Asia today to get cell phones, and I didn't want to feel sick on the bus. Too soon for embarrassing stomach problems.

Okay, that is my one random story.

Everything else is going well. I like my fellow trainees. Jessie and I are excited to find out what our training region will be. I think it will be ok to post about it when we know. If not, you will get a personal email from me about it.

Until then. Peace Out.


Ashleig said...


I cam across your blog while reading other blogs from your batch in the Philippines :-) I'm not a stalker or anything I swear haha I'm actually dating one of the volunteers in your group.

In my opinion the things we want to hear is EVERYTHING!!! We love to hear about your days and new things you guys try. It's very exciting to read your guys blogs and hear what you guys do! So really anything about your day is interesting to us! :-) I look forward to you reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love how out of all the things you could post about....and after indepth decide to post on your potential stomach distress. I loved reading it! We will miss you guys at our hornet dinners! - Audrey