Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 4

09/13/09 - 09/20/09

All is well here.

I was trying to think of a theme for this week's post, and I drew a blank. It's not that there is nothing to write about. There is plenty. It is just the problem of trying to focus my thoughts on things people might find interesting.

I could talk about food, but I haven't been keeping good notes on the dishes I have been eating. Or taking pictures of the food I have been eating. Bad Scott!!!

Maybe weather. I can always talk about the weather.

It is hot as hell here! I don't know what the temperature is (you can use for that), but I sweat a lot. If you look at pictures, you can see how hot I am. The word in Ilokano is napudot (nah-poo-dote).

Some people bath a few times a day and change their shirts often. The Filipinos in my town (not sure about elsewhere) think that have a wet back will give you pneumonia. If that were true, I would always have it. Ha! I also don't bother with the shirt changing because that just makes for more laundry. I do take a second bath in the evening sometimes, though.

It was a good idea getting synthetic tech-type shirts. They, at least, dry really quickly. The couple times I have worn cotton t-shirts, I have been drenched for the entire time I had the shirt on.

In the afternoon and night, it usually rains. This is rainy season, after all. It cools the air a little bit, but also adds plenty to the humidity. I fear for my electronics. Who wants to mail me some silica gel packets?

Actually, who wants to mail me packages in general? They have flat rate boxes. I'll give you the address if you email me. Come on!!

Oh, one more thing about the rain. It makes the spiders come inside. They are huge and fast. They don't bite, but that doesn't make them any less horrifying.

Okay, this post was weak. Sorry.

Peace Out

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